Fraction to Decimal

Fraction to Decimal

Decimals and Fractions are like sisters of the same family. If we know the decimal, we can find the fraction, and also when we know the fraction, we can find…

Multiplying Three Fractions

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to multiplying three fractions.We have discussed how to multiply fractions from basics in another lesson. You can visit the following link…


Matrices are, rectangular block of numbers arranged in to rows and columns. For example, There are some unique terms that we should know when we are dealing with matrices. Dimensions…

Square Root

In this article we are going to discuss all about square root. Square of a Positive Integer Before learning about square root you have to know about square of a…

Trigonometric Identities

A Trigonometric identity or trig identity is an identity that contains the trigonometric functions sine(sin), cosine(cos), tangent(tan), cotangent(cot), secant(sec), or cosecant(csc). Trigonometric identities can use to: Simplify trigonometric expressions. Solve…

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